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Friday, January 27, 2012

FO Fridays

Finally, My lace shawl is finish. I stayed until midnight on Wednesday to finish the lace edgings. It's not perfect but I think I did ok. I took a lot of pictures to get the best one since i have bad lighting in the room. Several things I have learned working on this shawl is to always have a lifeline, a lot of stitch markers, i also learned how to double decrease (DD) and more patience. I will definitely make another one of this shawl maybe in a light pink or white , i have some yarn stash that I can use. By the way the shawl is called 198 Yards of Heaven and the pattern is available in Ravelry. Most of my projects pattern was from the website and there are a lot of free patterns, I actually have only use the free patterns on all of my projects.I joined the 12dozen shawl 2012 group on Ravelry so I will be making 1 shawl for the group every month.I already Cast on the project for February Shawl last night  which is the Garden View, we choose 2 projects every month a beginner and advanced.I've chosen Beginner projects for January and February. Well without further a do here are some photos of my finish lace shawl :) Have a great weekend everyone!
198 yards of heaven

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