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Monday, March 5, 2012

Make your own Stitch Markers

So I have been  making stitch markers lately, how and why you might ask. Since I was knitting shawls for the KAL ( knit a long) I have seen other knitters projects with all this pretty stitch markers and they look  beautiful on the needles and projects, they call it Jewelry for your knitting/crocheting projects, and of course I like to have some. I started looking online specifically on etsy. I have found a lot of them pretty and  interesting but they cost $10 to $18 for 4-6 stitch markers. I thought maybe I could just make my own.I've seen most of them are made with beads, I remember that my daughters used to make stuffs with beads awhile back so I went looking for it, when I finally found them, it took about 4 hours for me to organized the beads by colors and sizes. I found a You Tube video that shows how to make the stitch markers. I will include it on this post. I went to local Walmart to buy the tools, I would have used my husbands but the pliers were too big.  Surprisingly they do not cost much ,the set was for $8.00 which includes a wire cutter, long nose and chain nose pliers( on a later trip I also saw one at Michael's for $10 and it has 5 different pliers), a bag of  flat head needle for $2. And there I go. The first few ones were wonky and the wires were  bent from too much twisting. The hardest part was trying to put the wire inside the bead to close it up. The more I make the easier it gets and it was really fun trying different combinations of the beads. And here some pictures. Enjoy!

And here is the You Tube Video Tutorial!

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