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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is here!

Well actually in 4 days, this will probably be my last blog of the year. I've sent/given most of my Christmas knitting presents.. whew ! I still have 3 hats, a scarf and a mitten to finish, it should be done before Christmas (cross fingers). At least all the ones that needed to be mailed were already sent out. I think I will have to start earlier next year if I want/decide to do this again. I wish I had taken pictures of the presents before sending them out but I was too much in a rush. I also got to see a friend today, we use to work together before I quit.I gave her their presents, she also gave me one of her homemade pie and a cake, she's wonderful and she looks really good. I do wish I'm back to work, well maybe :) I will cut this blog short as I need to finish a few more projects so enjoy your day !


Yummy cake given to me by my friend Rachel, it looks so good! I had to take a picture before it disappears.


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