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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

What are you thankful for?

I am thankful for my loving family, special friends, quiet nights, good food, yarn :)

Monday, October 8, 2012

O is for October Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

At one point in our life, most of us know someone who had or has a cancer whether it is breast cancer or something else. Let us  take care of ourselves and our loved ones!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Skaterhead Beanie with pompoms

My daughters got me into watching this Korean soap opera Boys over Flowers on Netflix. It is such a cute young love story, reminds me of the good old days, crushes and cuteness :D I enjoyed it watching with my girls sometimes with my husband too yep! that's true he did not finish it but he was curious with the ending. My younger daughter and me actually watch half of the season on Saturday.Our favorite character is JiHoo a very caring and gentle boy and Jan Di,the corky and cute girl. We were bummed that they did not end up together. OOPS spoiler !The cast wears a lot of beanies so I was inspired into knitting them, I especially loved the ones worn by Jan Di (main character) and GaEl (best friend). While we were watching I was knitting a skaterhead beanie which resembles several of the beanies I just needed to add an extra large pompom and adjusted the length.They turned out really cute. I will be making several of them for Christmas presents.By the way I am still knitting shawls for the KAL and I am almost done with the September shawl, the Bind off is killing me. I will try to get it done today.
Here are the pictures of the beanies.Enjoy!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Yarn Heaven!

Happy friday!  This photo says it all for me.

Image source:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Yarn Bombing in the Today's Show!

Happy Monday all! I just want to show what yarn bombing is if you don't know what it is. It's a knitters/crocheters art, it is illegal though ,since they believe it is like graffiti. I love it and I also think its a work of art and should be allowed as long as it is tastefully done. Be your own judge and watch the video here
Enjoy and happy Knitting!!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Where did August go?

Wow! Month of August is almost over and I realized there were no knitting updates for this month. It has been a crazy month, we had relatives that came over first week of the month for my father in laws b-day celebration, hubby finished putting the floor up for my daughter's room and she also decided to paint it, then her car broke down and transmission need to be replaced, it is not in the budget , car is still working ok but she is scared to drive it so she decided to get a new car, we help with the down payment and the insurance but she will have to pay it herself, This is a big responsibility for her,and I am so proud of her <3
 On knitting updates I  joined a Ravelry group that meets every Friday morning  ,We already met twice, the first meeting was on 8-17 and it was really nice meeting other people with the same interest. I am looking forward to Friday mornings.
 Project updates: Finished my August Shawlette click here if you want to see it :)
I also finish another Skaterhead hat in Fall color, working on another one in Autumn Red ( i really like this one) , also finish 2 Cross Body Street Purse for my daughter, orange and black. I am trying to write the pattern for this as I just made them up as I go. So that is where August went here comes September that means Holidays is coming whether we like it or not. Better start making those Holiday presents Oh My!!
Here are some pictures of the Cross Body Street Purse. Enjoy your day!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Knitting Funnies!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!
I just want to share an album I created on Facebook, it's a collection of  photos/pictures of Funny and Interesting things about Knitting. Most of the pictures are from the Internet.
Here is the Link .

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2 Simple Knitted Skaterhead Beanie

A week ago I drove by the City park and saw several teenagers skateboarding, they are all wearing different kinds of cool beanie, I have also seen other Young adults  both male and female wearing those kinds of beanie, so I started to think of how I can make them. When I came home, search thru my stash of yarn and found a dark blue and heather gray simply soft yarn, this 2 will be a great start. After looking around ravelry for some pattern, most of them were just really basic knit and purl. I decided I'll make it up as I go. The first one I made a wider brim ,the idea was from the slouchy beret that I recently knitted, then I just knitted in the round endlessly ,while watching the Olympics.then started the crown decrease.Next time I will make another one with stripes and maybe with a design so it does not look too plain.The following day I started working on the Heather Gray yarn and to be a little different from the blue beanie, I knitted the brim in knit and  purl2 ribbing,  I like how it look so I just continue with the pattern instead of just plain stockinette stitch,I like this one better, it is not as plain as the Dark blue beanie and you can choose to fold the brim or not, it is also very stretchy.I have written the instructions in case you want to make one for yourself. This is just basic beanie/hat instructions,  ( I improvised this pattern. Any resemblance/similarity to a copyrighted item is purely coincidental. Yada,yada,yada, etc, legal jargon. :D) you can also find other pattern thru Have Fun!
Skaterhead Beanie #1


1 skein of yarn, Dark Country Blue ( I used Simply Soft Caron)             
Size 8 Circular knitting needles 16"           
Size 8 DPN                                                            
Stitch Markers                                                        
Darning Needle.

Finished Measurements:    19” circumference and 15” long
Gauge: 5sts = 1 inch                                                                         

Cast On 88 stitches
Place marker and knit in the round. (Be careful not to twist)

Knit the K2 P2 rib for about 4" (wide brim, you can make it shorter if you like)
Next Knit in stockinnete endlesly until about 8 or 9 inches. ( while watching a 2 hour movie :D
 Note: Place marker in every 8 stitches on the very last round before decreasing. Make sure you use a different color from the marker you use at the beginning of the round.
Crown Decrease:
Switch to DPN
R1 (k6,k2tog) x 11 (77sts)
R2 knit around
R3 knit around
R4 (k5,k2tog) x 11 (66sts)
R5  knit around
R6 knit around
R7 (k4,k2tog) x 11(55sts)
R8  knit around
R9  knit around
R10 (k3,k2tog) x 11(44sts)
R11  knit around
R12  knit around
R13 (k2,k2tog) x 11 (33sts)
R14  knit around
R15  knit around
R16 (k1,k2tog) x 11(22sts)
R17  knit around
R18  k2tog around (11sts)
R19  knit around

Finishing: Cut yarn leaving about 6" tail,Weave thru all the remaining stitches, pull tight. Weave in ends.
Wear proudly :)

Skaterhead  Beanie #2


1 skein of yarn ,Heather Gray ( I used Simply Soft Caron)            
Size 8 Circular knitting needles 16"           

Size 8 DPN                                                            
Stitch Markers                                                   
Darning Needle.
Finished Measurements:    15” circumference and 12” long 
Gauge: 5sts = 1 inch   (stockinette)     
Cast on 87 stitches ( if you are casting a different amount of stitches it must be divisible by 3)
Place marker and knit in the round. (Be careful not to twist)

Work K1,P2 Ribbing until 11"

Crown  Decrease:
Switch to DPN
R1 (k1,p2tog)  repeat ( ) until end of the round
R2  k1,p1 until end of round
R3  k2tog around
Repeat R3 until 8 sts remain

Finishing :
Bind off using 3 needle bind off.This method makes the top of the hat flatter.
If you do not know how to do the 3 needle bind off click here
Weave ends.
Cut yarn leaving about 6" tail,Weave thru all the remaining stitches, pull tight. Weave in ends.
 **** If you have any questions or corrections on the Instructions feel free to comment.
Have a nice day!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Product Giveaway!!!!

I reach more than 250 Likes on my Four Seasons Facebook page yesterday, thanks to my daughter and her tumblr followers. So to CELEBRATE , I am giving away a Slouchy Beret with matching Neck wrap/cowl. I will be drawing a winner from the list of people who click like on my page by July 27,2012. I will be using a Random Number generator to pick the winner. If you want to be added on the list just click here and Like the page. I will also give away a Lovely Autumn Red Lace Shawl once I have 500 likes!!!

Here the pictures of the items I will be giving away :D

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Shawls Are Not Just for your Grandma.... anymore!

I have started knitting shawls since January when I joined the Ravelry KAL (Knit A Long) Group12Dozen shawls in 20dozen. I must say it is very addicting, we knit different shawl every month, most of them are on my previous blog post.
It was my impression before that Shawls are just for Grandma's and/or elderly people but NOT ANYMORE! Once I have seen the different construction, design ,variety of styles of the shawls available for knitting , for sale in store/online,Shawls have evolved into one of the hottest  fashion trend.Shawls are made from,Silk to wool, cotton or any synthetic fiber .It can be use on Weddings, Proms, Dinner Party, Cocktail party ,any dressy occasion or just throw a lacy shawl with a pair of shirt and jeans. You can use it as a scarf, a hood, as a belt tied on your waist, or even as a headband.The versatility is endless.Shawls can be worn any season. A lot of women wear Shawls for dressing up or down around the world. So next time you see a Shawl, check it out, you will be happy you did! You can also visit my website Four Seasons Knits for my knitted shawls.

Check out this collage that shows how shawls have been one of the hottest fashion trend. Most photos are from the Internet. Enjoy!

Friday, July 20, 2012

HOT off the needle!!!!

I did it , Yes I did. I finish July shawl KAL project in 4 days including blocking. I was very hesitant in starting this project since I was not in the knitting mood at all but I want to complete the Shawl KAL that I signed up, the group is not strict about it but I want to do it for ME!.
I was leaning on knitting the Beginner choice Ashton but when they posted August Beginner choice  Budding Shawlette, i decided to use the yarn for it. There was 2 skein of  Simply Soft Caron in Autumn in my stash so I decided to do the Summer Flies. Once I cast on Summer Flies shawl, it just went so fast. The instructions were so easy , the FO's on the project page look all complicated but it was not. Another Instant gratification project to get my Knitting mojo back.
Happy knitting and Enjoy your day!
Here are some pictures!!!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Joyeux Anniversaire ma fille!!! je t'aime

Today my daughter Lorylaine turns 19!!!
Happy Birthday! I wish you all the best in the world... I love you so much

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I need my knitting MOJO back!!!

For some reason, I have not knitted or pick up anything for the last 2 days, normally there would have 3 or more WIP's waiting for me. After I finished ( finally) the Garden pond shawl, which is still unblocked. I made a beanie hat for my husband just because I was at the DMV to past the time, another earflap hat and more headbands, this was all done last week to try to get me going. I have not even cast on for my July KAL. WHAT HAPPEN? I want to knit BUT????
Ok that's it for now! I'm gonna try and get some inspiration, maybe take some pictures of my FO's and block the Garden Pond for now! then pick up something....

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dragonfly Wings Shawl and more!

Happy Saturday! Another week is over. I have been busy the last few days working on my backyard, trying to get rid of all the dried weeds in my slope, it is a lot of work hopefully get it done by Wednesday next week. We are also changing our floor from carpet to wood, 2 rooms done and a hallway , 2 more to go, but I manage to finish several projects. The dragonfly wings shawl was surprisingly a very quick and easy knit, this one is for my JUNE KAL for Ravelry. I also finish my Meandering vines shawl but I was not happy with the result due to some mistakes I have made :( but it will work as a runner for my dresser instead of as a shawl. I will make another one of this someday. I also finish an ear flap hat,a headband for my daughter.
Happy knitting and Enjoy your day! Don't forget to check out my online store Four Seasons.

Here are some pictures!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Different Ways to wear a Scarf!

Happy Monday All! I just found this video thru my FourSeasons.KnitsByLeng FB page , 25 Ways to Wear a Scarf, it is really awesome and you can even get a tutorial on it.
Here is the Video and Enjoy your day!!

 I have finish the meandering vines yesterday, pictures soon. Currently working on the Dragonfly Wings,I must say this is one of the easiest shawl I have knitted so far.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Ok , it's Work in Progress (WIP) Wednesday, let's see what I have on my needles, currently working on the Meandering Vines Shawl, hoping I can finish it this week, Garden Pond shawl, still need to work on the lace part of the shawl, Cast on the Dragonfly wings shawl last night for the June KAL, a slouchy black hat which was place on hold for awhile, i might just frog that and use the yarn for something else, another hat in a green yarn, this was also place on hold since I ran out of yarn and I keep on forgetting to buy it whenever we go to the yarn store. I think that's it! I better keep on knitting :D
Oh and I had my first sale on my online store Four Seasons  last week, I was so excited! Hopefully I will get more soon. Come and check it out. I have added more items.
 Happy Knitting and Enjoy your day!

No pictures of projects today but I will post them soon...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Knitting Updates!

It's June ALREADY! Half of the year is over.... Holidays are just around the corner. I know I should be planning for my christmas projects soon. In the meantime here is my latest finish shawl. The Panache though I like to call it Peacock Tail Shawl, it resembles a peacock tail. It took me awhile to finish this since there were other projects I have to make for my online store Four Seasons ,  no sales yet :{ but there is traffic so people are looking. Come and check it out. I will keep adding items on the site, some will be the shawls i made,just need to wait for the designers to give me permission to sell items made from their pattern, so far 2 designers already gave me permission, I just need to finish the shawls. Keep on knitting and have a nice day!

Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Open for Business!

Come one! Come All ! Come and visit my online shop Four Seasons !
It's officially open for business! I have added listings on Sunday night for the shop. I only have 15 listed items so far but I will be constantly updating it with Finished object. I have several items WIP's( work in progress) that I have to finished, 3 shawls, scarves and mittens. I have been posting on Pinterest, G+ and Twitter , my daughter also mentioned the shop on her blog :D So far I have about 400 views in 3 days , hopefully orders will come next. In the meantime Please take a moment to check out the shop, most of the items are FO's that I have shown in this blog. Happy Knitting and Have a wonderful Day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Four Seasons! My shop....

I finally had the courage to open my own online shop for my knitting FO's (finished object)It has been sometime now that I have been thinking of opening a shop and also thinking of the Shop name,  there were some crazy, lame , funny, and interesting names we  came up with,  my 2 daughters are my consultant but then Four Seasons just came to me and I said that's it. I  have also search and look into different websites to open my shop like Etsy, Artfire, Zibbet, Ebay  etc.. Etsy is the most popular however there are so many fees involve, Artfire does not really appeal much, Ebay is too big and then there is Zibbet ,not as popular as Etsy but they are on its way, Also they offer Basic Free Account for Sellers to start of ,  When they say Free, it is really free, no fees, no charges for listings, no commissions ( 50 items limit), then you can upgrade to Premium account if you want to. Signing up for Basic Account is perfect  to try it out and if the shop business is good then I can go ahead and upgrade, and since there are no added fees my item prices will be more reasonable. It took about 2 days for me to set up the account, it is easy but I am just too fussy about things I would like to put in the shop info, my daughter Lorylaine help me with the banner. Now  the most important thing is to list my items, just need to take more photos.

 I  am also waiting for some of the designers to give me permission to sell the projects that I have made from their pattern, I have research about whether it is okay to sell products made using other Designers pattern but there so many conflicting information ,as a courtesy I ask for permission. It will probably be a good idea to design my own to avoid any issues in the future, in the meantime most of the items are from basic and generic pattern so I should be okay.

The shop should be officially open by Monday, (cross fingers) Wish me Luck. I hope you can take a few moments of your time to check it out.

Happy Knitting and have a wonderful weekend.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Have a wonderful  day to all the Mother's in the world!

photo by Evita

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WIP Wednesday -- Harry Potter Scarf

I started working on a Harry Potter Gryfindor House Scarf for a friends niece.It will be a gift for her birthday next month. It's about 60" long right now and I still have 2 more red and 1 yellow stripe to make, each stripe is about 3" long. I still have to put fringes. I hope it is not too long for her.The scarf is knitted in the round, basically mindless knitting except when changing colors. This will be a warm scarf, its a good thing since she lives in Canada. My daughters of course want their own, a Gryfindor and Hufflepuff. It's getting warmer here in California so they can wait until winter for their scarves, unless I modify this to adapt the weather,we'll see.
Ok, i will have to cut this short as my laptop is not cooperating with me.
Happy Knitting and Enjoy your day!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

April Shawl Haruni

Finished another Shawl for the April KAL, Haruni designed by Emily Ross. It was not an easy pattern, it took me longer to finish compared to the other previous months Shawl but I was very satisfied with the result. It came out bigger than I expected. I think it is so pretty, maybe next time I will make it in a colorful yarn. I steam block the finish shawl since it was an acrylic yarn, it took me almost an hour pinning the lace edge and  I did decided to do the crochet bind off. The finished project measures 28"L by 54"W and very flowy. I just don't know where to wear it. In the meantime it will be stored with my other shawls. Now onto May KAL, I don't really have anything I like between the May choices , Wingspan for Beginner and Tibetian for Advanced. The advanced choice is too way out of my league and the beginner choice does not appeal much. Well I have about a week or so to decide , if not I'll do a My Choice for next month. Good day to all and Happy knitting. Enjoy the pictures :D

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Work in Progress (WIP)

I haven't blog anything about my knitting projects in about a month, I have been working on a Haruni Shawl which is the April Advance choice for my Ravelry KAL. I was brave enough to do the advanced choice this time. However I am also working on another easy shawl Meandering Vines, it is my tv knitting project, I got use to knitting something while watching TV, if not I feel like something is missing, if I'm not knitting while watching TV,it makes me feel so useless just sitting there (no offense to anyone,that's just me). Knitting Haruni needs a lot of concentration on my part so I knit that during my quiet time, early in the morning when everyone else is  sleeping or when I'm alone. It is almost done just 5 more rows then I will be binding off, there are 2 options to Bind off but I have not decided which one I will do, I'll make the decision when the time comes to bind off.Really glad there is so much support on the KAL group, they will be able to help me with that. In the meantime the Meandering Vines shawl is slowly getting there, The pattern looks complicated yet so easy to knit. This is something a beginning lace knitter will appreciate to knit. I have also been using my Knit picks Harmony needle and I would say I have made the right decision when I bought them. The needle points make it easy to knit lace and the long cables are very convenient. I don't think I will ever use straight needles again.As usual all the patterns and instructions are available at Ravelry. Come and join if you are not a member yet.
Happy Knitting and Enjoy your day!

This is the beginning of my Haruni Shawl

This is where I am now, almost done!

Meandering Vines Shawl, the pattern looks really nice.

Meandering Vines Shawl in progress