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Friday, September 9, 2011

What's on your needle?

I have been working on a scarf  for a friend. This scarf is very easy and I have to remember only 1 row,it is also reversible. I ve got this design from Ravelry, its called One Row Handspun scarf by Stephanie Pearl- McPhee. If you have not joined Ravelry, I highly recommend it. It is a very good resource for patterns, knit along, ideas, tips etc.. You are welcome to friend me, my user name is rvespinosa.
For this scarf I cast on 26 stitches (to make it wider or narrower add or remove stitches in groups of 4 )
Row 1: *knit 2, knit into the back of the next stitch, purl 1. Repeat from *till there are 2 stitches left. Knit 2.
Repeat that one row every row until  your scarf is long enough or you run out of yarn.

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